About Me

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Orlando, FL, United States
Served 4 years in the army and now I'm a student at Full Sail University where I'm pursuing my dream to make video games.

Friday, May 13, 2011

OpenGL project Cont.

For those who wanted to see my OpenGL project and didnt get to...here is a link to a short clip of it. Sorry it isnt Hi-Res..you can thank YouTube for that. If you would like an executable for it, just shoot me an email jhhood@fullsail.edu and ill make a zip file and send it to you.

Keep in mind that all objects in this scene are hand modeled using C++ and OpenGL

So the final number of lines of code to make ^^ happen is....

MAR1 && ED1

Machine Architecture I : When writing your typical high level programming code, when you compile it, your compiler converts it into assembly code. In this class we are taught how to write in assembly to better understand the process of using the CPU. This class so far has been extremely technical and logical. If you have a problem breaking down a process logically and applying it to simple C++ code or something... just try assembly and see how far you can get. Its tough, but extremely fast, so it pays off.

Engine Development I: In this class we are learning the use of using multiple shaders at once, 3D collision, frustram culling, and much much more. This whole class is devoted to making a core basis of a 3D game. While some of this is challenging, I find it extremely rewarding when you get the results you were shooting for.

To be cont.