About Me

My photo
Orlando, FL, United States
Served 4 years in the army and now I'm a student at Full Sail University where I'm pursuing my dream to make video games.

Sunday, July 31, 2011


Different Cameras from my Engine Development Class


Various Cameras including 3rd Person, 3rd Person Follow, Snap to

Unreal Editor

Level we had to make using the Unreal Technology

Previous Games


2045 (first state machine and event system game I made...only had two weeks to design, program, and bug test, We had no AI classes prior to this class)

This is the first game I ever made using some sort of time based system and physics

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Previous Work

Please Click on the videos link for a full description of the video...

Midterm for OpenGL

                                                                    Labs for OpenGL

Gameboy Advance

                                             Animation Editor for the Game we made in SGP

Month off!

I recently took a month off of school for some personal reasons, however I went through some of the older stuff I've done and I made some videos for them. So be sure to check them out in the upcoming post.